Who the Hell Is Juliette?

Movie: Who the Hell Is Juliette? (¿Quién diablos es Juliette?)
Language: Spanish/English
Genre: Documentary
Director: Carlos Marcovich
Year: 1997
Watched on: 28 May 2005

Chandrakanth: ***1/2 (3.5/5)

This is a very interesting film produced and directed by Carlos Marcovich. The film appears to be documentary but some scenes appear to be orchestrated. It is a movie that blurs the line between a documentary and a work of fiction. The movie tells the real life stories of Juliette(Yuliet) Ortega, a young prostitute from Havana, Cuba and Fabiola Quiroz, a Mexican model/actress. Fabiola comes to Cuba for a music video shoot and there she meets Juliette, who plays her sister's role in the video. The life of both girls has many parallels even though their backgrounds are different. The stories of two girls are unfolded through series of interviews and live footages. The photography, editing, camera work all contribute to the unorthodox documentary feel of the film. The film has very less of story, has lots of peripheral characters and has its rough edges, but it still manages to grab ones attention by maintaining lively and energetic tone. It's definitely worth a watch.

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