Scarlet Diva
Movie: Scarlet Diva
Language: French/Italian/English
Genre: Drama
Director: Asia Argento
Year: 2000
Watched on: 24 December 2005
Chandrakanth: **** (4/5)
Asia Argento’s semi-autobiographical movie tells a disastrous tale of a budding Italian actress Anna Batista (potrayed by Asia Argento herself) who is mired in loneliness, drugs, predating friends and acquaintances. This film doesn’t have much of a story but is an energetic expression of pain and sadness suffered by the main protagonist. The movie is shot quite well to go with the gloomy mood of the film and the script too helps the cause. Asia Argento’s style of direction is very stark and realistic and some scenes are very disturbing. Overall it is a good movie but it is not for everyone.
Language: French/Italian/English
Genre: Drama
Director: Asia Argento
Year: 2000
Watched on: 24 December 2005
Chandrakanth: **** (4/5)
Asia Argento’s semi-autobiographical movie tells a disastrous tale of a budding Italian actress Anna Batista (potrayed by Asia Argento herself) who is mired in loneliness, drugs, predating friends and acquaintances. This film doesn’t have much of a story but is an energetic expression of pain and sadness suffered by the main protagonist. The movie is shot quite well to go with the gloomy mood of the film and the script too helps the cause. Asia Argento’s style of direction is very stark and realistic and some scenes are very disturbing. Overall it is a good movie but it is not for everyone.