Battle Royale

Movie: Battle Royale (Batoru rowaiaru)
Language: Japanese
Genre: Drama/ Action/ Thriller
Director: Kinji Fukasaku
Year: 2000
Watched on: 18 June 2005

Chandrakanth: **** (2/5)

At the dawn of the new millennium, it’s chaos in Japan. Unemployment is at an all-time high, and violence amongst the nation’s youth is growing out of control. School children are boycotting their lessons and physically abusing their teachers. The government decides to set things in order by taking radical actions. Government implements Battle Royale Act overseen by a former teacher, Kitano ('Beat' Takeshi) and requiring that a randomly chosen school class be taken to a deserted island and forced to fight each other to the death, the Act dictates that only one pupil be allowed to survive the punishment there by demonstrating to what extent government can go to tame youngsters. The story concept is disturbing but the film but it fares poorly in many departments. Acting is loud, narration gets melodramatic at times, and photography and editing are just about ok.

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