Fight Club

Movie: Fight Club
Language: English
Genre: Drama/ Thriller/ Crime/ Action
Director: David Fincher
Year: 1999
Watched on: 11 June 2005

Chandrakanth: **** (4/5)

Fight Club is a brilliant, unique and intelligent film by Directed by David Fincher based on a novel by Chuck Palahniuk. A Nameless, bored and 30+ deskwork employee of an automobile company (Ed Norton) gets consumed by emptiness of his life despite having a good paycheck, a well furnished condo and a fridge full of condiments. He can not sleep because of emotional void despite a decent life. He finds comfort attending support groups of cancer patients, tuberculosis patients and other patients suffering terminal illness. Things are going smooth for this guy till a chain smoking street-smart faker Marla (Helena Bonham Carter) comes into picture. Her presence brings him back to square one as he feels her lie reflects his own lie. While fulfilling one of his single serving business trips, he meets a charismatic and clever Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) who introduces him to new way of life and together they start a fight club. Tyler formulates rules to keep it under wraps but people just pour in. The club grows and turns into somewhat anti-social and violent movement. The movie has a stupendous piece of script (Jim Uhls) and equally amazing performances (Ed Norton and Brad Pitt). Rest everything goes well with the theme. David Fincher has come with a fantastic movie that cant be missed.

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