Once Upon a Time in the West

Movie: Once Upon a Time in the West
Language: English
Genre: Drama/Western
Director: Sergio Leone
Year: 1968
Watched on: 5 June 2005

Chandrakanth: *** (3/5)
Once Upon a Time in the West is a western drama directed by the Italian director Sergio Leone who directed many famous westerns including The good, the bad and the ugly. A mysterious Harmonica playing cowboy lands in a town seeking a man by name Frank. Frank a lieutenant for a railway boss Morton, kills Brett McBain and his kids in their ranch for mysterious reasons. Jill McBain, the newly wed wife of Brett comes to town to join the family in ranch only to find everyone dead. Jill encounters Cheyenne a fugitive suspected of killing McBains. Everyone has seemingly mysterious past and a motive.
This 165 minute drama is paced slow, it has grand sets with good detailing and brilliantly photographed. But the story is not very exciting, script lacks punch, performances are just about ok. This movie is not as entertaining as other Clint Eastwoodstarring western flicks by Sergio Leone but technically this is superior.

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