Movie: Seven(Se7en)
Language: English
Genre: Thriller/Crime/Mystery
Director: David Fincher
Year: 1995
Watched on: 5 June 2005
Chandrakanth: **** (4/5)
Seven or Se7en is a brilliant, shocking and disturbing suspense thriller bydirector David Fincher. Detective William Somerset (Morgan Freeman) is about to retire in a week meets his young and impulsive replacement David Mills (Brad Pitt) during the course of murder investigation. After initial hostilities, they discover that a psychopath is on a killing spree with a theme of seven deadly sins: gluttony, greed, sloth, lust, pride, envy and wrath. The two cops are desperateto get this serial killer John Doe (Kevin Spacey) as he continues his acts of crime. Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt have done a commendable job. Kevin Spacey gives a superb performance despite a short role. The script is crisp and well written. The photography, editing, art direction and lighting all sum up to create brilliant visuals on the screen. The music is non-minimalistic but effective. The content of the film is gory and is not for the weak hearted. Overall it is a brilliant film worth watching.
Language: English
Genre: Thriller/Crime/Mystery
Director: David Fincher
Year: 1995
Watched on: 5 June 2005
Chandrakanth: **** (4/5)
Seven or Se7en is a brilliant, shocking and disturbing suspense thriller bydirector David Fincher. Detective William Somerset (Morgan Freeman) is about to retire in a week meets his young and impulsive replacement David Mills (Brad Pitt) during the course of murder investigation. After initial hostilities, they discover that a psychopath is on a killing spree with a theme of seven deadly sins: gluttony, greed, sloth, lust, pride, envy and wrath. The two cops are desperateto get this serial killer John Doe (Kevin Spacey) as he continues his acts of crime. Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt have done a commendable job. Kevin Spacey gives a superb performance despite a short role. The script is crisp and well written. The photography, editing, art direction and lighting all sum up to create brilliant visuals on the screen. The music is non-minimalistic but effective. The content of the film is gory and is not for the weak hearted. Overall it is a brilliant film worth watching.