Talk to her

Movie: Talk to her (Hable con ella)
Language: Spanish
Genre: Drama
Director: Pedro Almodóvar
Year: 2002
Watched on: 29th April 2005


Chandrakanth: **** (4/5)

Spanish Writer Director Pedro Almodóvar delivers a brilliant film with a complex story line, complex characters and wide variety of emotions. Simply put, its a story of two men who are in love with ladies who are comatose. One is Benigno (Javier Cámara), a lonely male nurse who has spent most of his adult life happily taking care of his invalid mother and now, since her death, has transferred that affection to a beautiful young BallerinaAlicia (Leonor Watling) left brain-dead by a traffic accident. The other is Marco (Darío Grandinetti), a travel journalist in love with a lady bullfighter (Rosario Flores) who, after being gored in the ring, is also left in a vegetative state and is being cared for in the same Madrid hospital where Benigno works. The two men meet while standing vigil over their comatose loved ones and, despite being very different in background and temperament, have so much in common that they gradually form a strong bond of friendship that's ultimately tested in a most unexpected way. Despite of tragic conditions the characters are in, the movie has some humor. The complex character of Benigno who is naive, lively, loving, emotionally disturbed (psychopathic) has been brilliantly portrayed by Javier Cámara. It seems Javier took training in nursing and grooming as part of preparation for this role. Marco's character is comparatively straightforward but again handled well. The narration is rich with a black and white silent movie, ballet, theater, live music, and bullfighting and so on. Photography and music go well with the theme. Overall a good film worth watching.

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