
Movie: Amadeus
Language: English/Italian
Genre: Drama/Music
Director: Milos Forman
Year: 1984
Watched on: 1 May 2005

Chandrakanth: **** (4/5)

The Cinema adaptation of Peter Shaffers famous play Amaedus by Milos Forman is rich in content full of vivid and colorful images and brilliant music. The subject of the film is the love, hate and jealous relationship of Antonio Salieri who was the mediocre court composer of Austrian Emperor Joseph III with Wolfgang Amaedus Mozart and his work. Though it is historically inaccurate account of the things, it still makes a good movie because of the feel it creates. Undoubtedly Mozart was a genius but Antonio Salieris work was never considered mediocre. The entire story is unfolded in flashbacks by Salieri in mental asylum. Salieri (F. Murray Abraham) is highly confronted with the gift of music granted by god to the rude, immodest, fancy and footloose Mozart (Tom Hulce). Salieri is in awe of Mozarts music, he can recognize the genius of Mozart but he can not come to terms with the fact that he does not possesssuch a gift despite all the virtues. Mozart a childish man with a peculiar laugh goes on composing brilliant operas one after the other despite of not so warm responses, financial troubles and failing health. Mozart is virtually pushed to death by Salieris jealousy, manipulation, politics and abuse of power. The movie beautifully reveals the two sides of the characters. Salieri despite being a god fearing, chaste is filled with bitterness and hatred. Mozart despite his several addictions is a hard and focused worker. Constanze Mozart (Elizabeth Berridge) despite her childish acts turns out to be a shrewdand money minded woman. The performances are outstanding. F. Murray Abraham who played Salieri won an Oscar for his performance. Tom Hulce who played Mozart too was nominated for Oscar. The sets are fabulous and grand. Photography is stupendous, Art direction, Costumes and makeup are brilliant. The scenes of the operas are very well choreographed. Some of the scenes are shot in the same place where the Mozart himself premiered his operas. Film is paced slow and is almost three hours long but beautifully recreates the era in which the story is set. Full credits to Milos Forman, Its a mammoth effort and takes a lot for some one to come up with such a good effort.

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