The Pianist

Movie: The Pianist
Language: English/German/Russian
Genre: Drama/War/Holocaust
Director: Roman Polanski
Year: 2002
Watched on: 30th April 2005

Chandrakanth: **** (4/5)

Famed Director Roman Polanski presents extraordinary true life story of a Polish Jew Pianist Wladyslaw Szpilman.
The film is based on the autobiography of Wladyslaw Szpilman and is set during Second World War when Hitlers Nazi Germany invaded Poland. Szpilman (Adrian Broody) is an employee and gifted Pianist employed by Polish Radio. As German forces tighten their noose on Poland, all the Jews in Warsaw are forced to move in to ghetto leaving their processions. Driven to destitution, the Jews are constantly subjected to humiliation, abuse and death by German Nazis. A friend in Jewish police formed by Nazis saves Szpilman by pulling out of a train bound to concentration camp but his family members arent that lucky. Later Szpilman with luck and help of polish friends survives the entire period of Nazi occupation of Poland by hiding. When its almost over, Szpilman gets caught by a big hearted German officer Wilm Hosenfeld (Thomas Kretschmann) who not only spares his life but also supports him by offering food and clothes. Polanski who himself is a Holocaust survivor, has deliberately paced the film slow and takes great interest in details. The film is balanced and honest as there are good and evil characters in all camps. There are good and evil Jewish, Polish and German characters in the movie. One can see an honest approach in recreating the era, the sets, costumes, furniture all contribute towards creating the holocaust period. Performances are good, Music is excellent, Editing is skillful and Cinematography is brilliant. Production designer (Allan Starski), Art director and Costume designer have done a stupendous work. I personally think Polanski has extracted good work from everyone and at the same time has not allowed any one to dominate and there by achieving a rare harmony.

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