Son of the Bride
Movie: Son of the Bride(Hijo de la novia, El)
Language: Spanish (Argentina)
Genre: Comedy / Drama
Director: Juan José Campanella
Year: 2001
Watched on: 09 April 2006
Rating: *** (3/5)
Son of a Bride by Argentine director Juan José Campanella is a family drama with a bit of humor. Rafael Belvedere (Ricardo Darín) is a 40 something restaurateur in Buenos Aires and his life is in a terrible mess. He is running a restaurant with great difficulty that he inherited from his father, he is in financial trouble, he is divorced and not able to carry out his duties towards his daughter, he doesn’t visit his aging mother suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and he can not commit himself to his girlfriend. Rafael suffers a mild heart attack and gets hospitalized and there he takes a hard look at his life. With help of childhood friend Juan Carlos (Eduardo Blanco) he resurrects himself out of the mess. Performances are good and some scenes are moving otherwise there is nothing exceptional about this movie. There seem to be a conscious effort to stay away from melodrama which is a plus but still few might find this to be a tear jerker.
Language: Spanish (Argentina)
Genre: Comedy / Drama
Director: Juan José Campanella
Year: 2001
Watched on: 09 April 2006
Rating: *** (3/5)
Son of a Bride by Argentine director Juan José Campanella is a family drama with a bit of humor. Rafael Belvedere (Ricardo Darín) is a 40 something restaurateur in Buenos Aires and his life is in a terrible mess. He is running a restaurant with great difficulty that he inherited from his father, he is in financial trouble, he is divorced and not able to carry out his duties towards his daughter, he doesn’t visit his aging mother suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and he can not commit himself to his girlfriend. Rafael suffers a mild heart attack and gets hospitalized and there he takes a hard look at his life. With help of childhood friend Juan Carlos (Eduardo Blanco) he resurrects himself out of the mess. Performances are good and some scenes are moving otherwise there is nothing exceptional about this movie. There seem to be a conscious effort to stay away from melodrama which is a plus but still few might find this to be a tear jerker.