
Movie: Oldboy
Language: Korean
Genre: Action / Drama / Mystery / Thriller
Director: Chan-wook Park
Year: 2003
Watched on: 08 April 2006
Rating: **** (4/5)

Oldboy is the second movie of the famed "revenge" trilogy by Chan-wook Park. This is a visually stylish ultra violent movie is in the same genre of Tarantino's Pulp Fiction. After a round of heavy drinking and a trip to police station on the day of his daughter's birthday Oh De-Su (Choi Min-shik) on his way back home disappears mysteriously. He finds himself kidnapped and held prisoner in a cell by some strangers for reasons not known to him. One fine day after being held captive for 15 years, Oh De-Su is released with clothes money and a mobile phone along with the charge of murdering his wife. As he sets out to find his captor and take revenge Oh De-Su meets a Japanese chef Mi-do (Hye-jeong Kang). He soon finds his captor has released him only to subject him to more torture. The story takes lots of twists and turns to take us to disturbing and exhausting finale. The script, photography, editing and music are brilliant, so are the performances. Chan-wook Park ‘s style of story telling is brilliant and hip. This movie is not for everyone and many might find it hard to digest the story line.
Note: The latest Hindi flick Zinda it seems was loosely based on this movie but it might take decades for someone to come up with exact remake of such a bold movie in India.

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