To Live and Die in L.A

Movie: To Live And Die In L.A.
Language: English
Genre: Crime / Thriller / Drama / Action
Director: William Friedkin
Year: 1985
Watched on: 22 January 2006
Rating: **1/2 (2.5/5)

William Friedkin who made famous Hollywood flicks like "French Connection" and "Exorcist" directs this stylish film with a heavy 80ish feel. This is a story of a LA cop Richard Chance (William L. Petersen) who is on a hot pursuit of counterfeit kingpin Rick Masters (Willem Dafoe) who has killed his partner Jim Hart (Michael Greene) just few days before his retirement. Chance decides to go all out to bust Masters even if it means risking his and others lives. Movie is a mixture of a very ordinary and clichéd storyline and some twists and turns. Acting is mediocre. Characterization is just about ok. Cinematography and music are a plus so is the lengthy and well choreographed car chasing scene. Somehow it appeared to me as all style and no substance kind of movie.

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