The Conversation

Movie: The Conversation
Language: English
Genre: Crime / Thriller / Drama / Mystery
Director: Francis Ford Coppola
Year: 1974
Watched on: 08 January 2006
Rating: **** (4/5)

This highly rated movie by director Francis Ford Coppola was made in between his two greatest works The Godfather and The Godfather: Part II. Coppola has also written script of this movie that tells a story of a surveillance expert Harry Caul (Gene Hackman). Harry is hired by a boss of a big organization to spy on two of his employees. A man and woman seemingly in love. Harry smartly records their conversation and prepares tapes but the conversation starts slowly consuming his life. Harry haunted by the fact that his activities earlier had resulted in three murders, this time breaks his professional ethics and gets in to thick of the action to prevent an impending murder(s) but with devastating results. This is a slow paced suspense thriller that will surprise one in the end. This is the movie when Coppola had this magic touch that turned everything into gold. The characterization of Harry Caul is absolutely meticulous and the character’s fears, moral concerns, budding responsibility towards his actions, loneliness and guilt are very well displayed. Gene Hackmen is brilliant but Coppola’s direction is the highlight of the movie. This one is an absolutely brilliant suspense thriller. Probably one of the best.

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