Apocalypse Now
Movie: Apocalypse Now Redux Language: English / French / Vietnamese / Khmer Genre: Action / Adventure / Drama / War Director: Francis Ford Coppola Year: 1979 Watched on: 23 January 2006 Rating: **** (4/5) Review: Master of Cinema Francis Ford Coppola has produced and directed this movie considered as one of the greatest movie ever made on Vietnam War. The movie starts off in Saigon at the height of Vietnam War where the troubled and burnt out US Captain Benjamin L. Willard (Martin Sheen) is summoned for a mission. The mission is to eliminate the command of a renegade and insane former Colonel in US Army Walter E. Kurtz (Marlon Brando) who has installed himself as god among Cambodian tribal groups and is working against the interests of US Government by staging attacks. Willard with a handful crew sails up the Nung River on a Navy patrol boat and discovers his target is one of the most decorated and smartest officers of United States Army. The journey to reach Kurtz’s world is a though...