The Hound of the Baskervilles

Movie: The Hound of the Baskervilles
Language: English
Genre: Crime/ Mystery / Horror
Director: Terence Fisher
Year: 1959
Watched on: 22 December 2005

Chandrakanth: ***1/2 (3.5/5)

This one is a vintage Sherlock Holmes stuff. Peter Cushing dons role of the ultimate detective Sherlock Holmes and André Morell plays his sidekick Dr. Watson who go on a mission to unravel mysterious curse thrown upon the Baskerville family. Though the movie has its rough edges, it turns out to be a thoroughly enjoyable fare. Good performances and tight direction are the highlights of the movie. Though Cushing has done a good job, I find it difficult to accept anyone other than the great Jermy Brett as Sherlock Holmes.

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